Verona's Wellness | Essential Oil

Essential Oil


Essential Oils

Did You Know

"Lavender oil has long been cherished for its unmistakable aroma, and for the many ways it supports overall health and wellness.  It is widely used and accepted for its calming and relaxing qualities.  And, due to its versatility and soothing properties, lavender is considered the must-have oil, something to have on hand at all times.


Botanical Family: Labiatae (mint)"


Properties: Analgesic, anticoagulant, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antifungal, antihistamine, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, antitumor, cardiotonic, regenerative, and sedative.


Common Primary Uses: Acne, TADD/ADHD, alertness, allergies (airborne), allergies (skin), anxiety, atherosclerosis, blister, bug repellent, burns, calming, candida, carpal tunnel, chapped lips, chicken pox, cholesterol, Concentration (poor), cooling, Acrying, dandruff, depression, diaper rash, dry skin, gas/flatulence, hair loss, heatstroke, herpes simplex, high blood pressure, ives, impetigo, indigestion, inflammation, insect repellent, insomnia, itching, jock itch, Laryngitis, mastitis, measles, mosquito bites, mumps, nausea, neuritis, pain, Parkinson’s disease, physical stress, poison ivy, postpartum depression, relaxing, rubella, scabies, scarring, sedative, seizure, sensitive skin, sleep, spina bifida, stress, stretch marks, sunburn, Teeth grinding, tooth pain, tension, thrush, wounds, wrinkles.


Historical Uses: During Medieval times, people were obviously divided on the properties of lavender regarding love. Some would claim that it could keep the wearer chaste, while others claimed just the opposite––touting its aphrodisiac qualities. The list of uses is long.


French Medicinal Uses: Acne, allergies, burns (cell renewal), cramps (leg), dandruff, diaper rash, flatulence, hair loss, herpes, indigestion, insomnia, lowering blood pressure, lymphatic system drainage, menopausal conditions, mouth abscess, nausea, phlebitis, premenstrual conditions, scarring (minimizes), stretch marks, tachycardia, thrush, water retention.


Other Possible Uses: Lavender is a universal oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. If in doubt, use lavender. It may help anxiety, arthritis, asthma, body systems balance, boils, bronchitis, bruises, carbuncles, cold sores, convulsions, depression, earaches, fainting, gallstones, hay fever, relieve headaches, heart irregularities, reduce high blood pressure, hives (urticaria), hysteria, insect bites and bee stings, infection, influenza, injuries, repel insects, laryngitis, mental clarity, migraine headaches, mouth abscess, reduce mucus, nervous tension, pineal gland (activates), respiratory function, rheumatism, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, rashes), sprains, stress, sunburns (including lips), sunstroke, tension, throat infections, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, whooping cough, and wounds. One of our readers suggested putting a drop of lavender in the mascara bottle to thin it out and get more shine from eyelashes.


Body System(s) Affected: Cardiovascular System, Emotional Balance, Nervous System, Skin.


Aromatic Influence: It promotes consciousness, health, love, peace and a general sense of well-being.

How To Use

Application: Apply to Vita Flex Points and/or directly on area of concern; diffuse.

Oral Use As Dietary Supplement : To date, the FDA has NOT given this variety of lavender the designation of GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe for human consumption) (see 21CFR182.20). However, Lavandula officinalis Chaix. has been designated GRAS by the FDA. Since chemical constituents are very similar, use with caution and dilute well when unsure!

Blend Classification: Enhancer, Modifier, and Equalizer.

Blends With: Most oils, especially citrus oils, chamomile, clary sage, and geranium.

Odor: Type: Middle Note (50–80% of the blend); Scent: Floral, sweet, herbaceous, balsamic, woody undertones; Intensity: 2.

Frequency: Emotional and Spiritual; approximately 118.”  Source 

These Statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. And should not be taken or replaced as medical advice. Before the use of any oils, herbs or supplements please consult with your health care provider first.  To Patronize Us Click Here